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Eccentric! Chef Moon

Food and Fashion

Eccentric! Chef Moon

Aired:  March 27-May 16, 2020

# of Episodes:  16

Where to Watch:  Viki

Genre:  Romantic Food Drama

Starring:  Eric Mun and Ko Won Hee


The Story

A world-famous chef retires to a quiet, country town after a tragic accident kills his parents.  When a stranger wanders into town with no memory of who she is or where she is from, she comes to stay with him.  But when their home

and the whole town are threatened by a major fashion corporation, the two of them team up with the town’s people to try to save it.  And in the meantime, they may be able to rediscover the passions and talents they had left behind.


Should I Watch

 This isn’t a great drama, but it is a good one.  It’s a good if you are looking for a little breather from some of the more complex and intense dramas out there.  It’s not that the storyline is always light and fun, but it’s fairly simple.  The leads are solid although the chemistry is a bit understated.  The writers seemed to struggle with what kind of a show they were writing.  Was it a food show or a show about fashion.  Was it romantic comedy or drama?  Was it predictable or totally illogical?  The answer is that it was all of these at some point but never chose one to focus on.  But with those flaws in mind, I did enjoy watching, and Eric Mun is always worth my time!  I give this drama a 7/10 ramen.
