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Twinkling Watermelon – Full Review

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Twinkling Watermelon - Unspoiled Review

 Twinkling Watermelon – Full Review


Welcome to  Twinkling Watermelon – Full Review.  A highschool student finds a magical music shop and is thrown back in time to meet his future parents.  If you haven’t watched this drama yet, I recommend checking out my unspoiled review here.

 Twinkling Watermelon

Aired: September 25 – November 14, 2023

# of Episodes:  16

Where to Watch: Viki

Genre: Fantasy Romance

Starring:  Ryeoun and Seol In Ah

Twinkling Watermelon - Full Review

The Story


Twinkling Watermelon - Full Review

A high schooler who grew up in a deaf family discovers a love for music.  And although he dreams of playing the guitar in a band some day, he feels guilty to his family, who can never hear or understand his passion.  So, by day, he is the model student who studies and acts as interpreter for his family members whenever the need arises.  But by night he secretly practices and pursues his love of music.  When a strange music store appears in front of him, he wanders in.  But when he leaves, he suddenly finds himself in the year 1995.  The first person he meets is his future father, who not only can hear but is looking for a guitarist for his high school band.  And when he finds out that the person his dad has a crush on is not his future mother, he decides to stay, join the band, and somehow make sure his dad and mom end up together.  

Twinkling Watermelon - Unspoiled Review

The Leads


Twinkling Watermelon - Full Review
Twinkling Watermelon - Full Review

Ryeoun as Ha Eun Gyeol

Ha Eun Gyeol is a CODA, Child of Deaf Adult.  He grew up in a family where he was the only one who could hear, while his parents and older brother are all deaf.  For them, he is their connection to the hearing world.  But when Eun Gyeol discovers a love and natural talent for music, he hides it because of his guilt that his family can never enjoy it.  One day, a magic music store suddenly appears in front of Eung Gyeol.  And when he leaves that shop, he has traveled back to the year 1995, where he meets his future parents as high school students.  But his father, Ha Yi Chan, is different from what Eun Gyeol expected.  First of all he has a crush on a mysterious girl who is not Eun Gyeol’s mother and more shocking Yi Chan can hear.  Eun Gyeol joins Yi Chan’s band and vows to make sure he marries the right woman.  And as they spend time together, Eun Gyeol discovers a second mission.  He hopes to save his father from the accident that caused him to lose his hearing in the first place.

Twinkling Watermelon - Full Review

Ha Eun Gyeol has spent his life helping his family to function in a world intended for those that can hear.  He is their interpreter and coach through the many challenges deaf people face on a daily basis.  Because of this, Eun Gyeol is naturally kind, generous, and unquestioningly loyal.  And when he meets the younger version of his father, Eun Gyeol selflessly wants to change his father’s future in the hopes of giving him an easier life, pursuing his teenage dreams of being a musician.  Ryeoun was great in this role.  He has an expressive face that easily conveys his emotions and this character was a nice fit for him.  Recently Ryeoun has done a lot of more serious and somber roles, so I loved seeing his carefree joy as he hung out with his “dad” and played music.  

Seol In Ah as Choi Se Kyeong/ On Eun Yu

Choi Se Kyeong is the girl Yi Chan has a crush on.  It is her challenge that makes Yi Chan start the band in the first place.  But when she secretly leaves to study in the US, Yi Chan’s heart is broken.  So he is especially thrilled when she shows up again in time for the competition.  But we soon learn that this new, recently arrived Se Kyeong is actually Se Kyeong’s daughter, On Eun Yu who also travelled from 2023, like Eun Gyeol.  But Eun Yu and Eun Gyeol end up at odds when Eun Yu decides to make Yi Chan fall in love with her, thinking he is her mother’s long lost first love.  And although she is sure her mother loved Yi Chan, she finds herself much more drawn to Eun Gyeol, without knowing she and Eun Gyeol are both from the present.  Eventually, Eun Yu realizes she is wrong about her mom and Yi Chan and begins helping Eun Gyeol make sure his parents end up together, so Eun Gyeol can be born.  

Twinkling Watermelon - Full Review

When On Eun Yu first shows up in the past, her plan is the exact opposite of Eun Gyeol. While Eun Gyeol is desperate to make sure his parents end up together, so that he will still exist, Eun Yu intends to “commit suicide” by making sure her mom ends up with her long lost first love, who she thinks is Yi Chan, so that she will never be born.  But her plan is foiled when she discovers that actually her dad is her mom’s first love after all.  Eun Yu’s life in the present is full of pressure from her mom and her parent’s divorce.  But her time in 1995 gives her a fresh perspective on the value of life and love.  And getting back to present day Eun Gyeol becomes a priority.  Seol In Ah is a cute actress who has played an interesting range of characters lately.  I thought she handled the role of Eun Yu well and her role brought modern day problems into the idyllic past in an interesting way.  

Twinkling Watermelon - Full Review

Supporting Characters


Twinkling Watermelon - Full Review
Twinkling Watermelon - Full Review

Choi Hyun Wook as Ha Yi Chan

Ha Yi Chan is the future father of Eun Gyeol.  He is enthusiastic and charming, despite his goofiness.  He gets a crush on Choi Se Kyeong, who challenges him to join a local band competition.  This challenge opens the door for Eun Gyeol to show up and offer his guitar skills to the band.  Yi Chan is raised by his grandmother, and although he is not naturally good at school, he wants to go to college to fulfill her life long dream to wear his graduation cap.  But his passion is music, and only Eun Gyeol knows that if he can’t stop the upcoming accident, his loss of hearing with take that passion away from him forever.  

Shin Eun Soo as Yoon Cheong Ah

Yoon Cheong Ah is a deaf girl who goes to school with Yi Chan.  She is raised by an abusive step mother who refuses to allow her to use sign language or communicate with anyone at all.  Cheong Ah falls in love with Yi Chan from afar, but he is too busy chasing Se Kyeong to even notice her.  When Eun Gyeol shows up, he exposes Cheong Ah’s step mom’s actions, becomes Cheong Ah’s sign language tutor, and vows to help her win Yi Chan’s heart.

Twinkling Watermelon - Full Review
Twinkling Watermelon - Full Review

Go Doo Shim as Go Yang Hee

Go Yang Hee is Yi Chan’s grandmother.  She has raised Yi Chan since he was young and she feels sorry for the difficult life he has had.  Yang Hee runs a boarding house that houses mostly students.  She is a kind and supportive influence in their lives as well as Yi Chan’s.  Because of her dream for Yi Chan to be able to go to college, Yang Hee hires Eun Gyeol to become Yi Chan’s tutor and has him stay at her boarding house, sharing a room with Yi Chan.  

Things I Liked


 ♥ Parent Child Relationships

One of the major themes in this drama is parent child relationships and the impact they can have on our lives.  Whether in 1995 or 2023, Yi Chan and Eun Gyeol have a warm, loving relationship that is touching to watch.  Likewise, we see the foundations of that positive relationship in the interactions between Yi Chan and his grandmother.  In contrast, Se Kyeong’s constant need to prove her own worth through her daughter’s success drives Eun Yu to the brink of disaster, leaving her with serious mental health issues.  And, of course, the pain suffered by Cheong Ah because of an abusive step mom and a dad who is too busy running a business to pay attention to his own daughter, have left obvious scars on the her life.  This a wonderful reminder that as parents, our actions matter in the lives of our children, and as children, the scars we carry from our parents can be healed.  

♥ Time Travel Concept

Time travel dramas always get to pick and define their time travel mythology and I’m always interested to see which elements they will use.  For this drama, we quickly learn that they follow the idea that once you change something in the past, the present is immediately different.  I like the uncertainty this adds to the plot as a whole.  Of course, the end of this drama did leave some questions about who remembered what, but that is for a later section.  The idea of a magic music shop that sends you back in time and then communicates with you through pay phones was fun.  As with many time travel dramas, it was rewarding to see children get to know their parents as people through their pasts.  All in all, I felt like this series built an interesting scenario and used the concept of time travel well.

 ♥ Issues for the Deaf

This drama did a nice job of bringing up some of the problems faced by those who are deaf without making it the obvious focus of the story.  This is not a drama about being deaf, per se, but it introduces the struggles deaf people and those who love them often encounter in day to day life.  From the constant need of an interpreter for both emergencies and daily encounters to the barrier some face if they’ve never learned sign language, we get a chance to see the world through the eyes of the deaf and the impression is interesting and will stay with me.

Twinkling Watermelon - Full Review

Things I Didn’t Like


Eun Ho

I know that Eun Ho doesn’t really fit into the time travel aspect of this story, but I really enjoyed the little bit of his character that we got to meet.  He is great example of a young deaf person who is living his life to fullest and not ever letting his lack of hearing take away from his opportunities.  From school, to sports, to love, Eun Ho embraces it all with an admirable enthusiasm.  So, I wish there had been a way to somehow see more of him, whether as himself in the present, or some other figure in the past.  And I’m curious about whether he actually meets and develops a crush on Eun Yu in this new version of the present.

Music Shop

The music shop is an interesting part of this story.  So I wish we had gotten a little more detail into how it all came to be and why.  How did Viva become a time traveler and since when?  Is this the only time he will send people into the past?  Did he set out to meet Eun Gyeol because of his tie to Se Kyeong or was that all just coincidence?  And what happens to him now that Eun Gyeol and Eun Yu are back in the present?  And maybe most importantly, did all of this manage to finally make his daughter, Se Kyeong happy?  This concept was fun and unique but it left me with many questions.  

Choi Se Kyeong’s Story

While Eun Yu is one of the main stars of this drama, I felt like her story with her mom spends most of the time on the back burner.  And in the end, it just kind of dissolves without any real resolution.  With all of the other side stories they spent time on, it seems like they could have devoted a bit more time to showing how the Se Kyeong of the past becomes the unhappy Se Kyeong of the present, and how Eun Yu’s trip to the past might have impacted all of that.  

Twinkling Watermelon - Full Review

The Ending


“Twinkling Watermelon” doesn’t have the strongest ending.  Nor does it gives us all the happy ever afters we may have wanted, which I actually kind of liked.  But at least for our leads there is some closure and plenty of happy feelings. Even after all his efforts, Eun Gyeol does not manage to stop his dad’s accident or keep him from losing his hearing.  But Yi Chan promises that he will overcome this.  We see Cheong Ah’s step mom and step siblings get kicked out of the house.  And all of those loose ends get tied up for Eun Gyeol just in time for him and Eun Ju to go back to his own time, and leave their parents to determine the rest of their destines on their own.  As Eun Gyeol leaves the music store in 2023 he gets a parting shot of Viva in the store, proving he is behind all of this.  Back in the present, things have changed radically.  While Yi Chan and Cheong Ah did get married, they now live with Cheong Ah’s father in their family mansion and Yi Chan runs her father’s company, Jinsung Instruments.  At a company function, Eun Gyeol finds out the Watermelon Sugar members are all still friends and that Eun Gyeol’s band SPINE9 has become famous.  And as his father gives a speech from the stage about how he went to college and graduated with Cheong Ah, Eun Ju comes into the auditorium and then runs away.  Eun Gyeol chases after her and couple share a kiss.  I do have to agree with many fans who complain that the ending felt very rushed and there are many questions that are left unanswered, especially dealing with what people remember of the past, how Yi Chan and Cheong Ah actually end up together, and what happens to Se Kyeong and Eun Ju in the present.  But the endings we do get are satisfying and warm.

Twinkling Watermelon - Full Review

Should I Watch


Twinkling Watermelon - Unspoiled Review

“Twinkling Watermelon” is a time travel drama about music, first love, and friendship.  This gem of a drama is full of sweet, warm relationships balanced by a fair amount of teenage angst.  The interesting time travel story and the inclusion of deaf characters who use sign language to communicate give this series a unique feel.  The cast did a wonderful job of creating beautifully relatable characters and their chemistry made all their relationship memorable and heartwarming. I give “Twinkling Watermelon” a 9 out of 10 ramen.


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