Start-Up – Unspoiled Review
♥ Aired: October 17 – December 6, 2020
♥# of Episodes: 16
♥Where to Watch: Netflix
♥Genre: Romantic Drama
♥Starring: Bae Suzy and Nam Joo Hyuk
The Story
Welcome to my Start-Up – Unspoiled Review. Sandbox is a program designed to help start-up IT companies get their businesses of the ground. Participants are chosen through a rigorous competition. Seol Dal Mi is a young woman who dreams of establishing her own successful company. She shows up at Sandbox by herself and builds a team who will help her try to achieve her dream and hopefully find their own success along the way. As the community at Sandbox begins to take shape, Dal Mi finds that she is surrounded by people who share a piece of her past.
Should I Watch
Start-Up is a good romantic drama. With a unique storyline and some interesting character backstories, I expect it to make plenty of top drama lists for this year. It does a good job of showing the world of computer technology and start-up businesses without digging too far into the technicalities of it all, and the message of “Follow Your Dreams” is inspiring. As long as you enjoy the romance genre, there aren’t a lot of reasons I wouldn’t recommend it, but the romance really takes the focus away from any in-depth character development or side stories. I didn’t rate it as highly as I thought I might because, for me, it was just a nice, sweet story that I enjoyed watching, but it didn’t leave much of a lasting impression. I give Start-Up an 8 out of 10 ramen.