Sh**ting Stars – Full Review


Welcome to  Sh**ting Stars – Full Review.  Cleaning up after famous stars is a full-time job for an entertainment agency, especially if you happen to be their PR Team Leader. If you haven’t watched this drama yet, I recommend checking out my unspoiled review here.

Sh**ting Stars

Aired: April 22 – June 11, 2022

# of Episodes:  16

Where to Watch:  Viki

Genre:  Romantic Comedy

Starring:  Lee Sung Kyung and Kim Young Dae

Sh**ting Stars - Unspoiled Review

The Story


Sh**ting Stars- Full Review

Oh Han Byul works tirelessly as a PR Representative at Starforce Entertainment Agency.  As the head of the PR team, her job is cleaning up the scandals and messes of her star clients.  Unforuntately, her biggest star also happens to be a friend from her youth who broke her heart when she he was just starting out.  Now the two of them spend their days bickering and antagonizing each other .  Those closest to them suspect their fighting is just a way of covering their true feelings for each other.  But even if that were true, for a celebrity, dating is no easy thing.  Especially if he were to date the one who is paid to  cover up his relationships.  

Sh**ting Stars - Unspoiled Review

The Leads


Sh**ting Stars - Full Review
Sh**ting Stars - Full Review

Lee Sung Kyung as Oh Han Byul

As the person in charge of disproving rumors and covering up the mistakes of her stars, Oh Han Byul has a definite love/hate relationship with her clients.  But no one is as hated as Gong Tae Sung. In their college years, she and Tae Sung had spent a lot of time together.  She believed that their relationship was special, until she had to confirm that he was dating his co-star.  Now she avoids dealing with him whenever possible.  But her animosity toward him has never taken away her memories of their time together.  And when he professes that the dating rumor was just a misunderstanding and that she is the only one he ever had feelings for, she is forced to be honest about her own feelings.  But a celebrity trying to date in secret is hard enough, and when it’s your job to keep their reputation safe, it’s even trickier.

Sh**ting Stars - Full Review

Oh Han Byul works hard and is good at her job.  This busy life style doesn’t leave much time for dating, as we see with her one failed attempt at a blind date.  But her feelings for Tae Sung never really went away.  Luckily her friends work in related fields, so their mutual understanding helps their friendships thrive.  Lee Sung Kyung was fun in this role.  I don’t think it will go down as one of her strongest roles because there isn’t anything terribly unique about Han Byul as a character, but her acting carried the part just fine and made Han Byul very pleasant and likeable. 

Kim Young Day as Gong Tae Sung

After volunteering in Africa for a year, Gong Tae Sung comes home with a hero’s welcome.  His one focus is to get his career going again, so he immediately takes a part in a romantic drama.  But while plenty has changed while he was away, his feelings for his college crush Han Byul have not.  When he finally realizes his feelings, he becomes determined to win her over.  But getting her to date him is only his first obstacle.  He becomes increasingly frustrated with trying to keep their relationship secret and finding time to be together without raising suspicions.  

Sh**ting Stars - Full Review

Gong Tae Sung is the picture perfect star. He is handsome, kind, and charming.  But he bears the scars of psychological trauma and emotional pain caused by a mother who put her own fame above the health and happiness of her son.  Luckily for Tae Sung, his Starforce family stepped in to offer him the support and love he deserved.  Gong Tae Sung is largely a subtle and understated character, not unlike other roles we have seen Kim Young Dae cast in.  And he handled it with his usual finesse, but I really enjoyed the few scenes where we got to see him dig a little deeper and show a wider range of emotions.  I suspect we will be seeing more of him in future roles and I look forward to it.    

Sh**ting Stars - Full Review

Supporting Characters


Sh**ting Stars - Full Review
Sh**ting Stars - Full Review

 Yoon Jong Hoon as Kang Yoo Sung

Kang Yoo Sung is a manager at Starforce Entertainment.  He is Tae Sung’s manager, and the two are more like brothers.  Yoo Sung is as handsome as many of the stars he represents, but he doesn’t seem interested in dating and keeps his focus on work. But when his close co-worker, Park Ho Yeong, confesses her feelings to him, he realizes that he has actually liked her all along.  And he is just thankful that they don’t have to date in secret like his clients.  

Kim Yoon Hye as Park Ho Yeong

Park Ho Yeong is a young manager at Starforce.  She used to be a Taekwondo athlete.  She met Yoo Sung while working as a body guard for an autograph signing event.  She is enthusiastic and eager to help her new stars succeed.  She has always had a crush on Yoo Sung but it has taken her years to finally be able to confess her feelings to him.  But she is thrilled when he reciprocates her feelings.  

Sh**ting Stars - Full Review
Sh**ting Stars - Full Review

Lee Jung Shin as Do Soo Hyuk

Do Soo Hyuk is a lawyer who works for his own firm, but he is contracted out as Starforce’s legal representative.  He has a crush on Han Byul and goes on a couple dates with her before he realizes that she is only interested in Tae Sung.  But while getting to know Han Byul, he also meets her best friend, Jo Ki Bum, who works as an entertainment reporter.  When Ki Bum seeks out Soo Hyuk for legal advice the two end up falling for each other.  

Things I Liked


 ♥ Positive Portrayal

Generally idol dramas tend to paint the agencies as the greedy, selfish machine that uses and abuses their stars.  I enjoyed the fact that this drama actually portrays them in a much more positive and caring light.  The family atmosphere between the staff of Starforce and their actors gave this series a warm feeling that is often missing in this style of drama. 

♥ Lots of Couples

I don’t know if I have ever watched a drama with so many couples.  Obviously some got more screen time than others, but even couples with very little screen time, like Jeong Yeol and Bo In  add to the romance.  Surprisingly, I never felt like the abudance of romances made the overall plot feel too thin.  The balance was well done and I found myself rooting for each couple.   

♥ Drama-Free Leads

This drama took a unique approach for a rom-com in that they allowed the leads to get together pretty quickly without any miscommunication or sacrifice that lead to a big break up, so they could get back together.  This couple stayed strong throughout the whole series and learned to face their challenges together without ever doubting each other or their love.  Some felt that this lack of conflict made their romance seem too comfortable and didn’t provide enough chemistry for our leads but I actually enjoyed just relaxing and enjoying their sweet relationship.

Sh**ting Stars - Full Review

Things I Didn’t Like



It was interesting how the writers let many of the plotlines in this drama come to an end without any real closure.  Tae Sung’s mom and Luca are good examples.  Usually there is at least a mention of some of the past storylines at the end of the show, but not for this one.  It was almost like a slice of life style drama in the way it moved onto the next story without really looking back, but it left me wanting a bit more of a wrap up to some of those plot lines.


The Couple That Wasn’t

With the wealth of couples we saw in this show, there was really only one that I shipped that never materialized.   I wanted Baek Da Hye and Kang Yoo Sung to get over there over-sided crushes and at least notice each other.  These two were definitely a couple in the making.  It seemed like the chemistry was there, and I wish there had at least been a hint that they would eventually realize the potential.  


Start and Stop Stalking Story

Idol dramas often have some kind of stalker story and for some reason they usually don’t work for me.  This one was no exception.  They spent an awful lot of time misdirecting so it seemed like the story was over, but then, wait, it wasn’t actually them.  And then we finally find out who it is and barely remember him from the very beginning of the drama.  He gets arrested with very little fanfare and it’s done.  The pace felt strained and inconsistant and I never really cared about finding out who it was.  And the weird “auntie” maid was not an interesting character at all. 

Sh**ting Stars - Full Review

The Ending


This drama ends with a wealth of happily ever afters.  Choi Ji Hoon retires as president of Starforce and is off to enjoy the rest of his life, starting with a trip abroad that hopefully is taking him to Eun Shi Woo.  He leaves the company to Yoo Sung’s capable leadership with some words of “fatherly” advice.  Yu Na finds out she is pregnant and she and Jae Hyun have a “shotgun wedding”.  And now the famous couple is getting offers for luxury baby toys.  Jung Yeol is now a senior manager in charge of training their new recruits.  And though they are still keeping it under wraps, he is dating Bo In.  Ho Yeong has taken the position of Manager Head and she and Yoo Sung are happily dating. Ki Bum is getting lots of exclusive stories and still dating the adorable lawyer, Soo Hyuk.  And our leads have finally taken the big step in going public with their dating news.  While the PR team is hard at work fielding questions about their relationship, the happy couple is off enjoying some much deserved time together. I see lots of weddings in Starforce Entertainment’s future!

Sh**ting Stars - Full Review

Should I Watch


Sh**ting Stars - Unspoiled Review

“Sh**ting Stars” is a sweet and uplifting romantic comedy.  This is  a light, easy to watch drama with lots of likeable characters.  The look into the world of entertainment agencies is surprisingly positive and interesting.  Relationally, this one hits on lots of levels.  There’s multiple romantic storylines, some strong friendship scenes, and adorably reluctant bromances.  If you enjoy a good romantic comedy, this one is perfectly pleasant.     I give “Sh**ting Stars” an 8 out of 10 ramen.


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