Scent of a Woman – Full Review


Welcome to  Scent of a Woman – Full Review.  A young woman suddenly learns that she is terminally ill and vows to live her remaining days to the fullest .  If you haven’t watched this drama yet, I recommend checking out my unspoiled review here.

 Scent of a Woman

Aired: Jul 23 – Sep 11, 2011

# of Episodes:  16

Where to Watch:  Viki

Genre:  Romantic Drama

Starring: Kim Sun Ah  and Lee Dong Wook

The Scent of a Woman - Unspoiled Review

The Story


The Scent of a Woman - Full Review

A working woman in her 30’s finds out that she has terminal cancer.  She decides to quit her job, write a bucket list, and take the opportunity to do all the things she never had the time or money for.  On a spontaneous trip to Southern Japan, she meets the handsome son of the CEO for her former company.  He is exactly the kind of man she has always dreamed of falling in love with.  But falling in love now means pulling someone else into her own pain and having to leave him behind.

The Scent of a Woman - Unspoiled Review

The Leads


The Scent of a Woman - Full Review
The Scent of a Woman - Full Review

Kim Sung Ah as Lee Yeon Jae

Lee Yeon Jae has spent years as a temporary worker for a travel agency.  Because of her temporary position, she is constantly mistreated, but puts up with it because she needs the job.  So when she finds out that she is dying, she quits her job and books a ticket for a vacation in Okinawa.  While there, a misunderstanding turns her into a tour guide for the director of her former job.  He doesn’t recognize her, but she knows who he is.  The two form a sweet bond, but neither thinks they will see each other again.  Once back home, they continue to run into each other.  Yeon Jae has already fallen for him, but she worries that it’s not right to start a relationship when she is going to die soon.  Lucky for her, once Ji Wook puts his mind to something, he isn’t likely to give up easily.

The Scent of a Woman - Full Review

Yeon Jae’s father died of cancer when she was young, and she has spent her life taking care of her mom and supporting them.  She has never had the luxury of enjoying life, but she always thought she would get a chance eventually.  She is a selfless daughter and loyal friend.  Falling in love and getting a chance to wear a wedding dress and fall asleep in the arms of the man she loves are top items on her bucket list.  Kim Sung Ah is a wonderful actress and this role was full of heart and emotion.  Her acting made the role feel natural and genuine, and her chemistry with Lee Dong Wook was believeable.

Lee Dong Wook as  Kang Ji Wook

Kang Ji Wook is the rich son of the chairman at a large travel company.  He is the new director at the company, even though his dad has no confidence in his abilities.  In an attempt to show his skill, and an excuse to escape the office, he goes to Okinawa to check out the tourist spots personally.  He runs into Yeon Jae, and thinks she is his private tour guide.  Instead of clearing up the misunderstand, Yeon Jae uses the opportunity to spend the day with him.  He is drawn to her quirky charm and when he returns home, he finds out she was his employee until recently.  Once he realizes that he has developed feelings for her, he is eager to win her heart.  Little does he know, she is keeping her distance to protect him from her impending death.  

The Scent of a Woman - Full Review

Kang Ji Wook grew up without any real affection, so when he falls for Yeon Jae, he falls quickly and completely.  His feelings for her help him to become a happier and more loving person.  It was fun to see this more natural side of Lee Dong Wook.  He is charming and sensitive, and he shows Ji Wook’s character growth in a realistic way that makes you understand and appreciate him.

The Scent of a Woman - Full Review

Supporting Characters


Scent of a Woman - Full Review
The Scent of a Woman - Full Review

Uhm Ki Joon as Chae Eun Suk

Chae Eun Suk was Yeon Jae’s friend in elementary school.  Eun Suk has had a crush on her ever since, even though they haven’t seen each other since they were children.  When Yeon Jae first goes to the hospital for her examination, Eun Suk works there, and he becomes her primary doctor.  He helps to treat her and keep the secret from her friends and mother.  

Seo Hyo Rim as Im Se Kyung

Im Se Kyung is the woman Ji Wook’s father wants him to marry.  The families have agreed to the match, but neither Se Kyung or Ji Wook are interested.  But when Se Kyung finds out that Ji Wook is interested in Yeon Jae, she suddenly decides she wants him after all.  She does everything she can to corner Ji Wook into a marriage with her.

Scent of a Woman - Full Review
Scent of a Woman - Full Review

Sa Hyun Jin as Yoo Hye Won

Hye Won is Yeon Jae’s best friend.  The two work together and both share the fact that they would like to marry soon.  Hye Won is curious but jealous when she finds out about Yeon Jae and Ji Wook.  And when Hye Won later finds herself pregnant, she worries that her fiancee’s poor family will be a burden to her.  

Things I Liked


♥ Doctor Development

Too often, secondary character don’t get enough screen time to really show much character development.  That was not the case with Dr. Chae.  Watching someone he personally cares about go through treatment gives him a much more empathetic perspective on his other patients.  I enjoyed watching his character bloom and grow and his wary friendship with Ji Wook was really fun.  Also, a special shout out to Hee Joo.  She was a bright, adorable character and her subtly chemistry with Eun Suk was very sweet.

♥ Stray from the Tropes

Terminally ill main characters are a common drama theme, in any country.  Usually, they end with either the character discovering it is all just a huge misunderstanding and they are fine, a miracle showing up in the final episode that brings a happy ending, or a sad, tearful deathbed scene.  This drama managed to avoid all those and still give an ending that felt satisfactory and uplifting.  I appreciated them finding an unpredictable ending that encapsalated the hope and optimism Yeon Jae chose to live by.

 ♥ Tango Lessons

I loved everything about the tango scenes in this drama.  From the crazy class mates and their quirky back stories to the steamy scene between Ji Wook and Yeon Jae.  It was an interesting side theme that delivered a powerful message about healing through art.  And I loved Kim Kwang Gyu and his “double identity”!  Although I wish we could have seen him get together with Veronica.

Scent of a Woman - Full Review

Things I Didn’t Like


Im Se Kyung

I wish we could have seen something likeable from Im Se Kyung.  Her character was childish and selfish right up until the very end.  While Eun Suk had such great character development, Se Kyung remained shallow and one dimensional.  I tend to like my villains a little less black and white.  Maybe if it had felt like her feelings became sincere at some point, I might have felt some sympathy for her.  But it just seemed like she was mad about losing to someone she considered beneath her.  

Company Scenes

The company scenes between Im Se Kyung and the two fathers felt repetitive and not that interesting.  Watching Se Kyung throw her little tantrums over and over again was kind of a waste of time that could have been spent on more interesting side characters.  And the same goes for Yeon Jae’s co-workers.  Once we had established that her boss was a sexist jerk and her female co-workers were petty and arrogant, I didn’t really care what happened back at the office.  

Sexual Accusations

While I enjoyed watching Yeon Jae’s mom find love and get remarried, I felt like the sexual allegations against the teacher kind of came out of nowhere.  If they were going to drop such a big bomb, it seems like there should have been more references to a personal trauma or dark secret.  And the story could have easily just had her mother giving up on her own love for the sake of her daughter.  This is a big issue to drop in without warning and just as quickly blow over.  

Scent of a Woman - Full Review

The Ending


As I’ve mentioned, I really like the way they wrapped up this drama, while leaving the real “ending” to our own imaginations.  Yeon Jae’s mom and Dong Myung finally get married and settle into couple life.  Yeon Jae goes back to work temporarily, but then her condition worsens.  Together Yeon Jae and Ji Wook choose to help her ‘live” by trying whatever treatment they can.  At some point later, we see everyone getting gifts from Yeon Jae.  For her mom and Dong Myung, she sends couple shirts, for Hye Won it’s gifts for the baby, for her tango class it’s dance shoes, for the cranky landlord, a stuffed dog, for Se Kyung it’s Wilson’s ring, and for Eun Suk it’s a new doctor’s coat.  Which pretty much catches us up with all the side characters.  Back to our lead couple. they are living happily together in the house Ji Wook bought for them. Eun Suk says it’s a miracle that Yeon Jae has made it this long, and they agree that even though it’s rare, they are sure she will get another.  Back at the house, Yeon Jae looks through her bucket list book, where Ji Wook has crossed off her wish to sleep in the arms of the one she loves, since she does it every night now.  She smiles and turns the pages as she begins to write a new wish on the last page.  She hasn’t given up yet and for now she has time to make more of her wishes come true!

The Scent of a Woman - Full Review

Should I Watch


The Scent of a Woman - Unspoiled Review

“Scent of a Woman” is a romantic drama about the value of life and treasuring each day.  This is not a rom com, so if you want a cute, funny, love story, this is not what you’re looking for.  And if the topic of terminal illness is one that is difficult for you to watch, do yourself a favor and skip this one, because the cancer story isn’t just part of this drama.  It is the point of the whole series.  On the other hand, while this drama offers plenty of bittersweet tears, it is also a story of hope and sacrificial love.  If you like emotional melodrama with a meaningful message, this is a beautiful choice.   I give “Scent of a Women” an 9 out of 10 ramen.


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