Healer – Unspoiled Review
♥ Aired: December 8, 2014 – February 10, 2015
♥# of Episodes: 20
♥Where to Watch: Viki
♥Genre: Romantic Action
♥Starring: Ji Chang Wook and Park Min Young
The Story
Welcome to my Healer – Unspoiled Review. A loner who has spent his life working as a special night courier meets a quirky, charming journalist. Working together under a famous journalist, the group works to uncover the corruption that exists in the top tier of Seoul’s political system. Along the way, they discover that the current case links back to an older crime from 1992 that links them all in a shared past.
Should I Watch
In my opinion, Healer is a classic. You find it on lots of favorites lists out there, for good reason, I believe. Blending intrigue, great fighting scenes, and an amazing love story, it really has it all. And this all-star cast has gone on to do lots of other successful dramas in the last 5 years. And the romantic chemistry between the leads is authentic and promises to give you all the feels. If you are a fan looking for pure adventure and adrenaline that isn’t interrupted by romance, than Healer may not be for you. Also, some of the scenes may exaggerate the leads skills and abilities beyond reason for the die-hard realist. This is entertainment, after all. But most fans seem to agree that Healer is well worth the time. I give Healer a 9 out of 10 ramen.