Dr. Brain – Full Review


Welcome to Dr. Brain – Full Review.  A genius doctor on a quest for scientific discovery uncovers a personal family mystery he never imagined.  If you haven’t watched this drama yet, I recommend checking out my unspoiled review here.

Dr. Brain

Aired: November 3 – December 10, 2021

# of Episodes:  6

Where to Watch:  Apple TV

Genre:  Sci-Fi Drama

Starring: Lee Sun Kyun and Lee Yoo Young


Dr. Brain - Unspoiled Review

The Story


Dr. Brain - Full Review

A brilliant neuro-scientist has spent years researching the human brain and how to transfer memories between two brains using electric stimuli.  Impatient for progress, he decides to experiment on himself, using a dead person as the second participant.  But the process reveals unexpected results when the dead person’s memories involve his own family and uncover a surprising piece of information.  Now the doctor is motivated not only by the scientific breakthroughs he has strived for, but also to solve a family mystery that could have a profound impact on his life.

Dr. Brain - Unspoiled Review

The Leads


Dr. Brain - Full Review
Dr. Brain - Full Review

Lee Sun Kyun as Go Se Won

Go Se Won has spent his life researching the human brain and the way it works.  His pet project involves the ability to communicate directly from one brain to another through electronic waves.  But his reserach has been slow and his experiments on mice have met with repeated failure.  Until a mistake leads to success with one of the mice that is dead.  Egged on by this single success, Se Won decides to try it on himself instead of using more mice.  But his brain sync with a random victim in the morgue reveals a startling fact about the son he believed was dead.  Using his new-found technology to communicate with deceased people and creatures, Se Won follows a trail of surprising clues that lead him closer and closer to the truth about what happened to both his wife and son.  And as he does, his own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors become entangled with those of the people he has synced with.    


Dr. Brain - Full Review

Go Se Won was always different, even as a child.  He had a driving desire to know and understand how things worked.  As a genius who struggles to understand and process human emotions, he has relied on science to help him make sense of the world around him, even in the face of shocking personal traumas.  Lee Sun Kyun is an outstanding actor and I thought he played this role well.  Playing a character without many emotions while still being able to make the audience empathize with him is not easy, but Lee Sun Kyun was able to make me sympathized with Se Won.  I liked the way Se Won’s character grew and became more emotional as he took on some of the traits of the people he had synced with.

Lee Yoo Young as Jung Jae Yi

Se Won’s wife, Jae Yi, is sure that their son is still alive, even though everyone says he was killed in a fire.  It turns out that she is right, and Dr. Myung and his gang decide to kill her to keep her quiet.  They stage her suicide, but she ends up in a coma instead of dead.  Se Won has her in the basement, where she is hooked up to machines and has a personal nurse.  When she becomes the only person who can lead him to the truth about their son’s whereabouts, Se Won decides to try a brain sync with her, even though, up until this point, it has only been successful on people who are already dead.

Dr. Brain - Full Review

Jung Jae Yi is a really interesting character because she is either in a coma or dead through the entire series.  And yet, through a series of brain syncs, we learn a lot about her character.  We find out she had made a connection with another man through their kids, and they have been spending a lot of time together.  And this leads us to learn that she has struggled with being lonely and having a husband who she loves dearly but who is emotionally unavailable.  We also find out that her death was not a suicide, but murder.  Although Lee Yoo Young has most of her scenes in small, random pieces, she played the role with an earnest sincerity.  Sadly, in the end, I didn’t really feel like I understood Jung Jae Yi or what motivated her as well as I would have like to.

Dr. Brain - Full Review

Supporting Characters


Dr. Brain - Full Review
Dr. Brain - Full Review

Seo Ji Hye  as Lieutenant Cho

Lieutenant Cho is the police officer who is investigating the mysterious death of Lim Jun Ki.  When the trail leads her to Se Won’s wife, the two of them end up working together to try to piece together the elaborate puzzle of what happened to them.  But neither one of them are prepared for the bizarre reality of Jun Ki’s murder.

Park Hee Soon as Lee Kang Moo

Lee Kang Moo is a former detective.  He is the first dead person that Se Won syncs with.  When he shows up at Se Won’s door later, Se Won has no idea who he is or that he is really just a figment inside his own mind.  Kang Moo continues to guide and goad Se Won along the path to finding out the truth.  

Dr. Brain - Full Review
Dr. Brain - Full Review

Lee Jae Won as Hong Nam Il

Hong Nam Il is a researcher who works closly with Se Won.  Se Won trusts him and considers him as close to a friend as he can have.  But in reality, Nam Il has been planted in his job by Dr. Myung to keep tabs on Se Won.

Things I Liked


♥ Cinematography

Apple put a lot into the production quality of this drama.  There is no denying that it looked great.  The colors, camera work and effects were all first class.  All of it came together to create a smooth and enjoyable watching experience.  

♥ Lee Kang Moo

I really enjoyed the place that Lee Kang Moo holds in this story.  The slow revelation that he is actually dead and that his body was the first one used in the morgue was a fun twist that gave the drama a unique touch.  And his gritty, sarcastic character as a constant companion made a great foil to Se Won’s overly serious one.  His character was an unexpected surprise that I really enjoyed.  


♥ Opening Scene

The way this opening scene sets up the rest of the drama is really well done.  It was interesting getting to see how, even as a child, Se Won understood and processed things from a very scientific and factual way.  His need to know how something worked was fascinating.  It also shows how reckless he tends to be when he is in search of answers.  This will play out again when he uses himself instead of mice to further test his experiment.  And of course, the trauma of seeing his mother’s death will further isolate him emotionally and make him easy prey for Dr. Myung.  It was much more interesting to show this scene than trying to explain it all in the process of the story.

Dr. Brain - Full Review

Things I Didn’t Like


Lack of Secondary Stories

I understand that 6 episodes don’t leave a lot of room for anything outside of the main story, but it left me feeling a bit disappointed.  They introduced some interesting secondary characters, but we never find out anything about them that doesn’t somehow tie into the main story.  These side characters and their own individual stories are one of the things that make kdramas so interesting, so I missed having them.  

Mika (The Cat)

Okay!  So brain syncing is already stretching things, but the brain sync with a cat was a bit much.  And when he suddenly developed “cat-like” reflexes, things just really got a bit too superhero for me.  It was just a little weird and hard to take it seriously.   Especially since he always hated that poor cat anyway!

Lim Jun Ki

Again, I know there wasn’t much time for secondary character development but Lim Jun Ki’s character was a total mystery to me.  At first, it seemed like he and Jae Yi were having an affair, but later that seemed to be a bit overstated.  He seemed interested in her, to be sure, but it didn’t seem like anything romantic had actually happened between them.  I thought he, like Nam Il, might be a plant used to lure her in.  But that also didn’t prove to be true.  So I just don’t really see the importance of his relationship with Jae Yi, outside of the clue his daughter helps provide.  

Dr. Brain - Full Review

The Ending


“Dr. Brain” ends in a final showdown between Dr. Myung and Se Won.  Dr. Myung’s evil plan to implant himself into the brain of Do Yoon is finally exposed and Se Won rushes to stop it.  Se Won gets there after the process is started and has to put himself into the middle of their sync and persuade Do Yoon to come home with him.  It’s all very dramatic but Se Won succeeds.  The police, led by Lieutenant Cho, show up to clean everything up.  Dr. Myung is still alive but obviously very sick and probably near death.  A brief time jump shows Se Won and Do Yoon at Jae Yi’s gravesite but as they sit together on a nearby bench we see that Se Won can see her much like he saw Kang Moo during the other episodes.  So she is still present in his mind and he seems happy to have her there.  The final scene has Se Won putting Do Yoon to bed in their house.  When he comes out of the bedroom, he comes face to face with Dr. Myung who looks just like he did when Se Won last saw him in their sync, complete with some serious superpowers. It seems to be getting very crowded inside Se Won’s mind!  An open door for season 2 perhaps, but probably just a fun cliffhanger! And there you have it.  The end.  

Dr. Brain - Full Review

Should I Watch


Dr. Brain - Unspoiled Review

I am one of the lucky ones who gets Apple + with my phone service, so I decided to pop on over and give “Dr. Brain” a try.  “Dr. Brain” is a serious psychological sci-fi drama.  As a die-hard Lee Sun Kyun fan, I can honestly say the acting in this drama is stellar and visually it is amazing well produced.  But, even for sci-fi, this plot is out there, despite lengthy explanations that will try to convince the audience that it makes perfect sense.  Because the series is only 6 episodes long, there is not much filler or fluff, which is nice. But the story feels a bit scattered at times and lacks character development for any of the supporting cast.  My advice to kdrama fans is that it’s too early to include an Apple + subscription as a must have if you don’t already have one.  But if you do have a subscription and are looking for a well-made drama with an edgy sci-fi touch, this one is well worth investing the 6 episodes.  And did I mention, you get to listen to Lee Sun Kyun?  Enough said.    I give “Dr. Brain” an 8 out of 10 ramen.


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