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Death’s Game  – Full Review


Welcome to  Death’s Game – Full Review.  After taking his own life, a man gets a second chance at life through 12 people each facing their own imminent death. If you haven’t watched this drama yet, I recommend checking out my unspoiled review here.

Death’s Game

Aired: December 15, 2023 and January 5, 2024

# of Episodes:  8

Where to Watch:  Amazon Prime

Genre: Fantasy Thriller

Starring: Seo In Guk and Park So Dam 

Death's Game - Unspoiled Review

The Story


Death's Game - Full Review

An unemployed man is overcome by his unhappy life circumstances and decides to take his own life.  But instead of dying, he finds himself face to face with a spirit called death.  Angry that he would look for death before his appointed time, she punishes him by sending him into the bodies of 12 different people who are all about to die. If he can find a way to keep them alive, he can live on in their body but if he fails to keep any of them alive, he will be sent to Hell.  And as he experiences life through the eyes of the bodies he inhabits, he begins to understand that life itself is a privilege that should not be squandered.  But saving their lives proves harder than he expected.  

Death's Game - Unspoiled Review

The Leads


Death's Game - Full Review
Death's Game - Full Review

Seo In Guk as Choi Yi Jae

After seeing a man die suddenly right in front of him on his way to a job interview, Choi Yi Jae has lost his hope and self-confidence.  And as he begins to feel the weight of his burden on those he loves, he makes the desperate decision to take his own life.  But Death has other plans for him.  Angry that Yi Jae would attempt to initiate his own demise, Death confronts him with a punishment for overstepping his authority.  Now Yi Jae will take over the bodies of 12 different people who are all set to die soon.  If he can save them somehow, he can continue to live in their body for as much time as they have left.  But, if at the end of the 12 lives, he hasn’t managed to save any of them, he will be tossed into Hell, to suffer for eternity.  But as Yi Jae lives these various lives, he gains new knowledge and talents.  And as the clock runs down on his chance to save himself, he will draw on these skills to try to win his deal with Death.  

Death's Game - Full Review

Choi Yi Jae is overwhelmed and he has lost the will to live.  But his biggest mistake is assuming that those who have loved and supported him up until now have also lost their faith in him.  This is the truth that he slowly realizes through the course of the lives of others.  And through that knowledge, he begins to renew his own strength and hope.  Seo In Guk is such a talented actor and he manages to maintain the feeling of being the lead to this drama, even though most of the episodes feature other actors.  I loved him in this serious and thoughtful role.  

Park So Dam as Death

Death lives in dark chamber in Hell, where she has control over the end of human lives.  She is outraged at the audacity which allows a mere human to think they can choose when to meet her.  So, when Choi Yi Jae ends his own life, she decides to punish him for his arrogance.  So she plans a punishment that forces Yi Jae to experience death 12 more times, by taking over the bodies of people set to die soon.  And if, by some miracle, Yi Jae can find a way to stop any of them from their inevitable death, he will be rewarded by having the opportunity to continue living their life until God calls them.  

Death's Game - Full Review

Death is cold and unconcerned with the human condition.  But her inital disdain for Yi Jae does seem to evolve into a kind of reluctant interest.  It is obvious that she doesn’t have much affection for human kind in general, and yet she does seem to give Yi Jae a few crucial clues to his predicament.  Park So Dam plays this kind of steel edged character well.  And even though there is very little character development to the role of Death, she portrayed the character with a flair that made her interesting.

Death's Game - Full Review

Supporting Characters


Death's Game - Full Review
Death's Game - Full Review

Go Youn Jung as Lee Ji Soo

Lee Ji Soo is a writer who has been dating Yi Jae for years.  She is supportive and patient with him, through his difficulties in finding a job.  In fact, she hid the fact that her writing is being published, so that he would not feel disappointed in himself. She is heartbroken when Yi Jae kills himself.  But when a mysterious stranger shows up to work in the cafe she frequents, she feels an instant connection to him.  

Kim Mi Kyung as Yi Jae’s Mother

Yi Jae’s mom has raised Yi Jae on her own her whole life.  Taking difficult jobs and working long hours, she has devoted her life to make a better future for her son.  But Yi Jae has no idea how his death would make her feel until it’s too late.  So he is saddened and shocked when his final life turns out to be that of his mother.  And he will do everything he can to cherish the body that gave everything for him.  

Death's Game - Full Review
Death's Game - Full Review

Kim Ji Hoon as Park Tae Woo

Park Tae Woo is a chaebol whose father runs a powerful corporation.  He is also a psychopath with a penchant for killing.    His father has always suspected his son’s dangerous personality, but until now he has ignored it.  When Tae Woo accidentally crosses paths with a artist serial killer, he finds an opportunity to hone his craft. Tae Woo has had a hand in many of the deaths Yi Jae has experienced, but when Tae Woo callously kills Ji Soo with his car, Yi Jae becomes determined to make him pay.

Things I Liked


 ♥ Cast

I can’t say enough good things about this extensive cast.  I don’t think there was a weak link to be found.  I especially loved Kim Ji Hoon as the evil villain.  Kim Ji Hoon has already shown us that he can play this role in spades, but he was chilling as Tae Wook.  I loved how each character’s story gets told in increasing detail.  A lesser cast might have left me missing Seo In Geuk’s charming face, but instead they each carried their own stories with a clarity that made them important in their own right.   

♥ Message of Hope

In light of the “suicide crisis” in Korea, I hope that the message of this drama will lead some people to “find the courage to stand up again”.  I don’t think the intention was to shame or treat the hardships of the lead character as unimportant.  But our actions do have an effect on the people who love us.  And while we all face our own struggles, life is always valuable.  This drama reminds us that a fresh perspective can bring a wealth of positive change.  

♥ Tight Story

There is so much to say about the storytelling of this drama.  First the 8 episode format kept things fast paced and intriguing.  The writers did an amazing job of pulling all the story thread together carefully so that every character had meaning in the overall plot.  While the ending itself may have been a bit predictable, there were plenty of little surprises along the way to keep us satisfied.  

Death's Game - Full Review

Things I Didn’t Like


Death’s Character

As much as I loved Park So Dam as Death, and I think she played the role well, I didn’t always understand the character.  It was unclear how much power she actually had as Death.  Even though she seemed to really hate Yi Jae in the beginning, there were points where she almost seemed to be giving him clues as to how to beat his punishment.  And she seemed glad when he did.  Also, her getting involved in the death of Tae Woo seemed out of character for her.  I just didn’t always feel like her personality, roles, or motivations were very clear.

Part 1 Characters

I was kind of sad that the first characters got so little screen time.  I understand that the character details got more involved as the story unfolded, but I would have loved a bit more of Choi Siwon and Sung Hoon.  While I loved how fast-paced this show was, I would not have been disappointed with a little more character development in the first half.  The second half gets its own feel once we start to get to know Tae Woo, but the first season could have used a similar anchor.  

Ending Questions

The end of this drama left me with a whole lot of questions.  If I understand this right, Yi Jae has gone back to before his death.  So does that mean that all the good he did in the lives of the others is now pointless?  There is still a pyschopath and a serial killer running around then?  And if everything else changes, will Ji Soo and his mother still die?  I could almost imagine a season 2 where Yi Jae goes out to try to save them all again as himself.  Left the way it is, it just seems a little sad.  

Death's Game - Full Review

The Ending


“Death’s Game” has a rather predictable outcome that gives it something of a happy ending for Yi Jae.  Yi Jae’s final life is in his mother’s body.  And he makes this one count.  In the end, he spends 32 years in his mother’s body, before she finally dies peacefully.  Back in front of Death, Yi Jae begs for a second chance to live his own life.  Death agrees to one last game.  She loads a single bullet into the gun, spins the cylinder, and lets him pull the trigger himself this time.  The final scene shows Yi Jae, back on the roof.  But this time as his mother calls him, he stops to pick up the phone.  Yi Jae has learned that he is irreplaceable in the lives of those who love him.  And although his circumstances haven’t really changed, it seems like he has gained the strength to go on trying.

Death's Game - Full Review

Should I Watch


Death's Game - Unspoiled Review

“Death’s Game” is a fantasy drama that focuses on our struggle to live despite pain and adverse conditions.  Wow!  I really enjoyed this drama for its phenomenol cast and the original and unpredictable story.  Even storylines that seemed to fall outside of the main theme get wound back into the central storyline in unique and exciting ways.  If you haven’t picked up on it through the title or descriptions of this drama, death is central to this story.  So if topics of death and suicide are triggers for you, please proceed with caution.  There are those that felt that the opinions about suicide in this drama lean more toward blaming the main character instead of presenting any kind of solution or social commentary on the problems that brought him there in the first place. For me, I loved the uplifting message that, regardless of the hardships we face, life should always be seen as a gift.  I give “Death’s Game” a 10 out of 10 ramen.


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