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A Time Called You – Full Review

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A Time Called You - Unspoiled Review

A Time Called You – Full Review


Welcome to  A Time Called You – Full Review.   A woman travels back in time to meet her doppelganger and try to solve the mystery of her untimely death. If you haven’t watched this drama yet, I recommend checking out my unspoiled review here.

A Time Called You

Aired: September 8, 2023

# of Episodes:  12

Where to Watch: Netflix

Genre: Time Travel Romance

Starring:  Ahn Hyo Seop and Jeon Yeon Been

A Time Called You - Unspoiled Review

The Story


A Time Called You - Full Review

Han Jun Hee is a 36 year old woman who is transported back to the year 1998, into the body of Kwon Min Ju, a high school student who looks just like her.  But Jun Hee is even more surprised when she sees a classmate who looks just like her boyfriend, who died a year ago.  And while Min Ju may look just like her, Jun Hee soon finds out that their lives and personalities are very different.  And if she can solve the mystery of who would want Min Ju dead, she may be able to save this girl from her own personal tragedy before returning to her own life in the present.

A Time Called You - Unspoiled Review

The Leads


A Time Called You - Full Review
A Time Called You - Full Review

Ahn Hyo Seop as Koo Yeon Jun / Nam Si Heon

Nam Si Heon is an average high schooler.  So, when his best friend, the very shy Jung In Kyu, starts to show interest in an equally shy and awkward classmate named Kwon Min Ju, he naturally sets out to help the pair get closer.  And as the 3 of them begin spending time together, they become fast friends.  But when Si Heon starts to notice strange changes in Min Ju’s personality and even appearance, he is confusd.  And he is guilt-ridden when he realizes that he has also developed feelings for her.  As he and Min Ju grow closer, she confides in him the bizarre set of circumstances that brought her there.  And as far-fetched as they seem, he can’t help but believe she is telling the truth.  When she tells him that Min Ju will die in one months time if they don’t find the killer and stop him, Si Heon has no choice but to help her try to prevent the upcoming tragedy.  

A Time Called You - Full Review

Nam Si Heon is a popular guy who avoids all of the school drama by keeping to himself. He befriended In Kyu when they were both young, and he is loyal and protective of him and their friendship.  And that makes it all the more difficult for him when he realizes that he has fallen for the girl In Kyu likes.  But no amount of guilt or resistance on his part can break the bond that he and Jun Hee share.  And if her story is true, she is not the same Min Ju that In Kyu liked anyway.  I am a big fan of Ahn Hyo Seop, and liked seeing him in this dual role, but the confusing time loops sometimes made it unclear which character he was supposed to be.  Both of them blended into one for me, and I couldn’t tell you what made Si Heon different from Koo Yeon Jun, personality wise.  I wish they had given the two of them more distinct mannerisms.  

Jeon Yeo Been as Han Jun Hee / Kwon Min Ju

One year ago, Han Jun Hee’s boyfriend died in plane crash, on his way to visit her in New York.  Though she does a good job of acting fine of the outside, inside she has never gotten over the loss.  One day, an anonymous package arrives for her.  Inside is an old cassette player with a tape and headphones.  When Jun Hee listens to the tape. she is transported back to the year 1998, into the body of a high schooler who looks just like her.  And she isn’t alone, when she meets a classmates who looks just like her dead boyfriend.  But she soon finds out that Min Ju, the student whose body she now lives in, will be murdered in about a month if she can’t stop the killer.  Now all of her time and energy is put into finding out what actually happened that night and who would want Min Ju dead.  

A Time Called You - Full Review

Han Jun Hee is enthusiastic and outgoing.  It doesn’t take long in Min Ju’s body, to turn the shy loner into a spunky girl that her classmates are drawn to.  But when she finds out that Min Ju will die soon, she is more worried about saving her life than making her a popular girl in school.  Unlike Ah Hyo Seop, who was challenged by two characters that weren’t much different, Han Jun Hee and Kwon Min Ju were very different, and Jeon Yeo Been was able to take advantages of those differences in her performance.  She did a nice role of creating two characters that each had their own personalities and were easy to tell apart.  

A Time Called You - Full Review

Supporting Characters


A Time Called You - Full Review
A Time Called You - Full Review

Kang Hoon as Jung In Kyu

Jung In Kyu is Si Heon’s best friend.  It is his crush on Min Ju that brings the three main characters together in the beginning.  As a boy who had to wear a hearing aid, he was picked on by the other kids, until he met Si Heon who became his best friend and biggest supporter.  But In Kyu also has a tragic ending in his future, if Si Heon and Jun Hee fail to stop Min Ju’s killer and change the course of their lives.  

Park Hyuk Kwon as Bae Chi Won 

Bae Chi Won is Min Ju’s uncle.  He runs a record store where Min Ju works, and Si Heon and In Kyu also spend a lot of their time.  He is the only adult who knows the truth about who Jun Hee really is and what will happen to Min Ju if they can’t save her. Before returning to the present, Jun Hee once reveals to Chi Won that he should study to be a barista because he will own a coffee shop in the future. Later, when Si Heon goes into the future to find Jun Hee, he seeks out Chi Won at his coffee shop and asks for his help.   

A Time Called You - Full Review
A Time Called You - Full Review

Min Jin Woong as Oh Chan Yeong / Oh Chan Hee

Oh Chan Hee is a classmate of Min Ju’s.  He sees her outcast label as something that makes them kindred spirits, and he develops a crush on her.  But his brother Chan Yeong uses the time travel loop to become Min Ju’s killer.  Chan Yeong works with Jun Hee’s boyfriend, Yeon Jun, at his woodworking studio.  So she knows him in the present and is able to put the pieces together and stop him from traveling back in time to kill Min Ju.  

Things I Liked


 ♥ Time Loop Elements

This drama had such an interesting take on what we have come to expect from time travel dramas.  First of all, it uses a loop effect, rather than two set points in time.  Also, I loved how we didn’t just see someone go back to their past self, but a totally new character.  And the locked room that held Min Ju and Jun Hee was an interesting spin, although it seemed weird that we didn’t see any of the other characters locked in a similar situation.  I would be curious if Yeon Jun’s room would have looked similar or been totally different, based on his or Si Heon’s personalities.  All in all, the concept was fresh and creative.  

♥ Unpredictable Plot

This is one of those shows where the plot is so out-of-the-box, that it is impossible to predict what might happen next.  Of course, I know many saw the original, so that would be different for them. But for me, I enjoyed the surprise and shock of many of the story elements.  It kept me guessing right up until the end, and I was really curious about how they were going to bring it all in for a landing.

 ♥ Sacrifice

One of the overarching themes of this drama is sacrifice.  I love that it is subtle and not overstated.  But each of our 3 leads, at some point, sacrifice their own needs and wants for the safety and happiness of those they care about.  Si Heon tries to deny his feelings for Jun Hee because of In Kyu.  And later he gets on the plane, knowing it will crash, because he knows it’s the only way he will meet Jun Hee.  In Kyu goes to jail to make Min Ju’s death memorable, because it was her dying wish.  He also pretended to believe Jun Hee’s “crazy story”, so Si Heon wouldn’t feel so guilty about liking her.  And Jun Hee gives us the ultimate sacrifice when she destroys the cassette player and breaks the bridge between the 2 time frames.  For our leads, sacrifice equals love, and I think it is beautiful.

A Time Called You - Full Review

Things I Didn’t Like


Jun Hee’s Age Difference

For me, one of the glaring inconsistencies in this drama is that Jun Hee is actually a 36 year old woman from the present.  I feel like she should have experienced more awkward social moments hanging out with a bunch of teenagers from 1998.  And that age difference also made the romance a bit strange.  Granted, she saw Si Heon more as the older Yeon Jun, but still he was an inexperienced high school student and she was a mature, self-supporting adult.  It seems like that should have played a part in the story itself.

Weak Villain Story

I loved the surprise element of who the villain actually is in this drama.  But I felt like his story was pretty weak overall.  We do see him lurking a bit here and there throughout the beginning stages of the story, but there just wasn’t much development to his character.  It was hard to even feel sorry for Chan Hee because he always seemed kind of creepy.  Even though, there is an obvious difference between Chan Hee, the lonely outcast, and Chan Yeong the psychopath in training.  I feel like getting to know Chan Hee better would have made his story much more powerful. 

Too Complex

There is no denying that this drama gets very complicated.  The time loop will definitely challenge your mental processes and leave you feeling pretty overwhelmed at times.  For the most part, Jun Hee and Min Ju’s roles are clearly defined and easy to keep straight.  It’s really Si Heon’s story that becomes so confusing.  Trying  to designate which parts were Yeon Jun and which were actually Si Heon could make your mind melt into a puddle of incomprehensive goo.  And delving in too deep just seems to accentuate questions and plot holes.  I think those who enjoy this drama need to be able to turn off their brains and just flow with the story, without analyzing it too much.  

A Time Called You - Full Review

The Ending


There is a lot that goes into the ending of “A Time Called You”.  But when all is said and done, we get the open-ended, fresh start happy ending that is so common for time travel dramas.  Jun Hee figures out who the killer is, and chases Chan Yeong back through time to save Min Ju.  And Min Ju doesn’t make it easy, since she feels like being murdered is the only thing that will make her popular.  But June Hee steps in at the last minute, and together she and In Kyu save Min Ju from killing herself.  Jun Hee realizes that the only way to put everything back to its proper place is for her to destroy the tape player and sever the tie between her in the present and Min Ju in 1998.  But she spends one final day with Si Heon.  As the sun sets, the couple stand together, and as In Kyu destroys the tape and player, they disintegrate into ash.  But in the last moments, Si Heon promises to find her somehow.  Jun Hee wakes up back in the present, as all the memories of she and Yeon Jun disapper.  Back in 1998, we see In Kyu still pining after Min Ju, as Si Heon begs him to just ask her out.  I think this couple will find each other finally, although I wish we could have seen a bit of it.  As they pass the record store and hear “Gather My Tears” Si Heon says he feels like he is forgetting something.  Fast forward to 2011, Si Heon has become a CEO of a comic book company. On his way home, he is on the bus when “Gather My Tears” comes on and he hears a girl start to sing along. He looks at her and it is Jun Hee.  When she gets off at the next stop, Si Heon suddenly jumps off and chases her.  As the two look at each other we see the memory of Si Heon promising to find her.  It’s unclear whether seeing each other has sparked their actual memories or if they have met again as strangers.  But one thing is clear.  Destiny knows no barriers and this couple will still get their happy ending.  

A Time Called You - Full Review

Should I Watch


A Time Called You - Unspoiled Review

“A Time Called You” is a time-loop romantic drama.  First off, I have not seen the original Thai version of this show, which many say is much better.  But as a viewer who is new to this story, I found the characters to be interesting and the original approach to time travel dramas intriguing. The acting is well done, and both of the leads get an opportunity to show off their acting chops by playing dual characters.  Unfortunately, there are times when the story is far more complicated than necessary, which leaves plenty of room for plot holes and inconsistencies. So, if you are looking for tight plots and seamless time lines, this one is likely to frustrate you.  But if you are willing to muddle through the confusing who-is-who elements, the drama is a delightful tale of love and destiny.  I give “A Time Called You” an 8 out of 10 ramen.


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